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Welcome to the Lit Mag!

Florence Miller

They love to write, it’s their favorite pass-time. The genres that they write can span from well, anything; anything except romance, it’s like someone neurotypical writing about someone neurodivergent, they just don’t understand what it’s like to live that way. But still, what they write can also be in so many different styles, they have pages upon pages of stories, poems, scripts, etc. They love it when people consume their creations, any feedback can help them improve and knowing they're not horrible at something makes them happy.

Yael Fishman

Yael Fishman is a girl that reads all types of books from mystery to fantasy. She also loves to write short stories of all kinds, from original content to fanfiction. Despite seemingly having everything together, she’s actually a complete mess that is always attempting to improve her writing. According to online friends, her vibe is, “If Gordon Ramsay was a very kindhearted cinnamon roll girl.”

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